Passage Picker Example for Section 1

Passage One - Personification
1) Page 9, paragraph 5
2) It had...inside it.
3) Personification
4) This passage is a personification passage because it describes the smoke coming from the chimneys as belching.
5) Based on this passage, does Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory seem like it would be an inviting place to visit?
    - I do not think that Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory seems like an inviting place to visit because this passage describes the factory as having
    huge iron gates, a high wall surrounding it, smoke belching from the chimneys, and strange whizzing sounds coming from inside.
6) The author included this passage so that the reader could begin to make a mental picture of the outside of Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory.

Passage Two - Informative
1) Page 5, paragraph 4
2) The whole...great town.
3) Informative
4) This passage is an informative passage because it informs the reader of the setting and the family's poor living conditions.
5) Why did the author choose to use the words, "the whole of this family," in this sentence?
    - I think that the author chose to use those words specifically because the family is so large and the house that they live in is so small.  I think
    that the author wanted to convey how crowded the family's living conditions were.
6) This passage adds a sense of cramped living to the story.  If the author had not used that exact combination of words, then the reader might not understand just how uncomfortable the family's living arrangements really are.

Passage Three - Interesting
1) Page 7, paragraph 3
2) The only...for supper.
3) Interesting
4) This passage is an interesting passage because it tells what the characters had to eat for each of their meals..
5) Why did the author choose to describe what the characters had to eat for all three daily meals, as opposed to describing just one of the daily meals?
    - I think that the author chose to describe all three meals because this conveys their true sense of hunger.  Also, it does not leave the reader's
    imagination to believe that the character's may have one meal that is better than the others.  All three meals leave something to be desired.
6) The author included this passage so that the reader could get a sense of the family's lifestyle.  Most of the people who read this book do not have those same three meals everyday, and I think that the author wanted the reader to sympathize with the characters in the story.

Passage Four - Problem/Solution
1) Page 8, paragraph 3
2) And each...touch it.
3) Problem/Solution
4) This passage is a problem/solution passage because it describes the steps that Charlie must go through to make his chocolate bar last a long time
    so that he may enjoy it.
5) Why did Charlie put away the candy bar instead of eating it, on his birthday?
    - Charlie wanted to savor his gift rather than devouring it in one gulp.
6) The author included this passage to convey Charlie's self discipline.

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